Sustainability for the next generations.

As a third-generation family business, sustainability is an important part of Jancke's corporate philosophy.

As an environmental partner of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, our company has been "Ökoprofit" certified for many years.

Umwelt Partnerschaft Hamburg

With the investments made in recent years, we have reduced our CO₂ emissions by around 40%.

Since 2011 we are an ordinary member of the RSPO and purchase all palm oil products in segregated (SG) or mass balance (MB) quality.

2015 – Umstellung von RSPO MB auf SG

2017 – License for UTZ Coffee

2019 – Participation in the research project on material efficiency of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture accompanied by ifu Institut für Umweltinformatik Hamburg GmbH and the University of Hamburg Department of International Business and Sustainability

2021 – Project to determine the corporate carbon footprint including Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG)

2022 – Switch to 100% renewable eco electricity as well as CO2 compensated eco gas to achieve our target of CO2 neutrality by 2025

2022 – Transfer of UTZ licenses to Rainforest Alliance


Social guidelines -
What is important to us!

Emplyoment is freely choosen

Slavery and bonded labour are totally unacceptable. Almost 21 million people are victims of forced labour.

Freedom of accociation and the right to collective bargaining are respected

Tens of thousands of workers lose their job every year for attempting to form or join a trade union or improve working conditions.Some even lose their lives.

Working conditions are safe and hygienic

An estimated 2.3 million people die every year from work-related accidents and diseases.

Child labour shall not be used

168 million children work to support their families, missing out on education and often damaging their health. This reinforces the cycle of poverty.

Living vages are paid

Roughly half the world‘s population still lives on two dollars a day. If people can't feed their families on an adults vage they may send their children to work.

Working hours are now excessive

Long working hours are the norm for most of the world's workers. This damages peoples health and undermines family life.

No discrimination is practised

Woman and certain minorities are often confined to the lowest-paid jobs with no access to training or promotion.

Regular employment is provided

Most worker can be laid off when it suits the employer. This fuels poverty and insecurity and drives down wages.

No harsh or inhuman treatment is allowed

Few workers have protection against physical, verbal or sexual abuse in the workplace.